Wat is Geogebra? |
een Dynamisch Meetkundeprogramma,
ontwikkeld door Markus Hohenwarter, Univ. Innsbruck
NTLC Award 2010 |
National Technology Leadership Award 2010 |
Tech Award 2009 | Laureat in the Education Category |
BETT Award 2009 | Finalist in London for British Educational Technology Award |
AECT Award 2008 | Association for Educational Communications and Technology |
Learnie Award 2006 | Austrian Educational Software Award for "Wurfbewegungen mit GeoGebra" |
eTwinning Award 2006 | 1st prize for "Crop Circles Challenge" with GeoGebra |
Trophées du Libre 2005 | International Free Software Award, category Education |
Comenius 2004 | German Educational Media Award |
Learnie Award 2005 | Austrian Educational Software Award for "Spezielle Relativitätstheorie mit GeoGebra" |
digita 2004 | German Educational Software Award |
Learnie Award 2003 | Austrian Educational Software Award |
EASA 2002 | European Academic Software Award |