Lezingen en workshops
over wiskunde |
- Lesbijdrage ELAN
21 november 2013
Cursus Geogebra HSL
Getal & Ruimte 10 april 2012
Workshop Geogebra
- Lesbijdrage ELAN 12 februari
Getal & Ruimte 10 februari
2011 Lezing over Geogebra
Cursus Geogebra, ELAN,
27 januari 2011, Univ. Twente
Digiborden in de
praktijk, Twents Meesterschap 20 januari 2011, Univ. Twente
NVVW 6 november 2010 Workshop Geogebra
Ned. Ver. v. Wiskundedocenten, Utrecht
- Workshop Geogebra (Béta onder de Dom, 11 juni
Getal & Ruimte 15 april 2010 Lezing over Geogebra
NVVW nov. 2008 Workshop
Lezing over applets en Geogebra
Nederlandstalige presentaties over
revalidatietechniek |
- Revalidatie Symposium THT, november 1985
Wetenschappelijk Genootschap voor de Revalidatie, Rotterdam, april 1986
Vier-assige scharnieren., I.T.O., Utrecht, oktober 1986
sockets, I.T.O., Utrecht, november 1986
- Biomechanica ISNY-socket.,
Bio-Revalidatiecentrum, Arnhem, april 1987
- Bondgraaf modellering
en simulatie van bovenbeenprothesen tijdens de zwaaifase., Revalidatie
Symposium THT, april 1987
- Biomechanica van de NML koker., ISPO
Minisymposium november 1988
- Biomechanica van de
bovenbeenkoker., SOM workshop NML kokers, nov. 1988
- College
werktuigen in orthopaedie en revalidatie., UT-Twente dec. 1988,
Biomechanica van de prothesiologie., ISPO cursus prothesiologie voor de
onderste extremiteiten, maart 1989 Nijmegen
- Fabrikage technieken
in de orthopedische instrumentmakerij, ThemaCollege Medische Technologie
'Revalidatie' U.T. Delft mei 1989
- Fabrikage technieken in de
orthopedische instrumentmakerij., KIVI symposium Techniek in de
revalidatie november 1989
- Biomechanica van de onderbeen
prothese, PAOG cursus Amputatie en prothesiologie van de onderste
extremiteit, maart 1990
- Biomechanica van de prothesiologie., Het
Roessingh., maart 1990
- De keuze van een prothese kniemechanisme.
Otto Bock Seminar 30 okt. 1992
- Kniecomponenten in de praktijk,
ESB Congres, Geel 2000
- Seminar Uitlijning van prothese
scharnieren, Otto Bock, november 2000
- "Intelligente prothesen",
lezing voor Loth Fabenim Seminar 2003
- "Over prothesen", lezing
voor Paradoks
- "Revalidatietechniek", november 2003,
revalidatiecentrum De Hoogstraat
Internationale presentaties
over revalidatietechniek |
- ISPO World Congress, Kopenhagen, juli 1986
- Research onto design criterions for Above-Knee Prostheses., Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Amsterdam, juni 1987
- Research onto design criterions for Above-Knee prostheses., PROTECH congres, R.U. Groningen, oktober 1987
- An investigation of design criteria of modular endoskeletal lower limb prostheses., september 1989
- Einflub der gewichtsverteilung bei beenprothesen, jaardag Orthopadie Technik, Bad Nauheim, West-Duitsland, mei 1990
- New developments in four-bar-linkage knee mechanisms, Orthopadie + Reha-Technik, mei 1991, Berlin, West-Duitsland
- A Polycentric Stance Phase Flexion Prosthetic Knee Mechanism ISPO World Congress VII, Chicago, july 1992
- A Polycentric Stance Phase Flexion Prosthetic Knee Mechanism REHA World Congress, June 1994, Essen
- Principles of multiple linkage mechanisms for prosthetic knee joints, ISPO World Congress VIII, Melbourne, april 1995
- A Stance Flexion Kneemechanism with two degrees of freedom, ISPO World Congress VIII, Melbourne, april 1995
- Theory and practice of the 3R60 knee joint, Interbor Congress, Oslo July 1996
- Recent developments in linkage mechanisms for lower limb prosthetics, Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics, Leuven 1996
- ISPO Congres Belgie, Geel 1997
- An Overview of Stance Flexion Principles, Orthopadie + Reha Technik 1997, Neurenberg
- A general approach for the evaluation of properties of linkage mechanisms, ISPO Congress, Amsterdam 1998
- Biomechanical principles of the 3R60 stance flexion knee joint, Interbor Boston 1999,
- A new 6-bar kneejoint for through-knee prostheses, 10th World Congress ISPO, Glasgow 2001
- Stability and kinematics of prosthetic joints, BuFa Seminar 2001 Dortmund
- Properties of prosthetic joints Interbor Budapest 2003
Artikelen |
- Methodical design of adaptations on musical instruments, University of Technology Twente 1979
- Adaptations on musical instruments, Dutch and English brochures 1980
- The knowledge retrieval problem in rehabilitation, University of Technology Twente 1982
- Design of a measuring instrument for soft body tissues, University of Technology Twente 1983
- Manual fabrication of the ISNY socket, 1985
- Fiber reinforced plastics and their applications, 1985
- Biomechanical principles of the ISNY-socket, 1985
- Bondgraph modelling and simulation of the dynamic behaviour of AK prostheses, Prosthetics & Orthotics Int., Vol. 11, p. 65-70 1987
- Congress-proceedings PROTECH, October 1987
- Congress-proceedings International Society of Biomechanics June 1987
- Brochure for lower limb amputees, 1987
- Kinematics of 4-bar knee joints, INFORTO, maart 1988
- Einfluss der gewichtsverteilung bei beinprothesen, Orthopadie Technik, oktober 1990
- Neue Entwicklungen bei Vier-achs-Kniegelenken, Orthopadie Technik, january 1993
- The prosthetic knee joint, Mikroniek, Journal of the Dutch Society for Microprecision Technology, 4/1996
- Above-Knee prosthetic technology, July 2000, published in Dutch and English
- Funktionelle eigenschaften von polycentrische kniegelenken, Medizinisch-Orthopädische technik, 4/2002
- Chapter 30, Amputation and prosthetics of the lower extremities, ISDN 90-5189-909-2. 2002
revalidatietechniek |
- Fabrication of the ISNY-socket, 1985 Prothesemakerij Noord-Nederland, Haren.
- Post Academic Course "Biomechanical aspects of the above knee prosthesis" University of Groningen, 1985
- The biomechanical principles of the ISNY socket, Post Academic Course University of Groningen 1986
- The biomechanical principles of Below Knee prosthetics, Post Academic Course University of Groningen 1986
- Orthotics, University of Groningen, 1987
- The biomechanic principles of Narrow Medial Lateral sockets, SOM workshop NML 1988
- ISPO course Orthopaedic Prosthetist Groningen 1988
- Biomechanical principles of prosthetics, ISPO course, Hoensbroek 1988 - 1998
- Amputation and prosthetics of lower extremities, Academic Hospital Groningen, 1994-2003
Boeken |