
List of publications:

Lezingen en workshops
over wiskunde
  1. Lesbijdrage ELAN 21 november 2013
  2. Cursus Geogebra HSL
  3. Getal & Ruimte 10 april 2012 Workshop Geogebra
  4. Lesbijdrage ELAN 12 februari 2013
  5. Getal & Ruimte 10 februari 2011 Lezing over Geogebra
  6. Cursus Geogebra, ELAN, 27 januari 2011, Univ. Twente
  7. Digiborden in de praktijk, Twents Meesterschap 20 januari 2011, Univ. Twente
  8. NVVW 6 november 2010 Workshop Geogebra Ned. Ver. v. Wiskundedocenten, Utrecht
  9. Workshop Geogebra (Béta onder de Dom, 11 juni 2010)
  10. Getal & Ruimte 15 april 2010 Lezing over Geogebra
  11. NVVW nov. 2008 Workshop  Lezing over applets en Geogebra
Nederlandstalige presentaties over revalidatietechniek
  1. Revalidatie Symposium THT, november 1985
  2. Wetenschappelijk Genootschap voor de Revalidatie, Rotterdam, april 1986
  3. Vier-assige scharnieren., I.T.O., Utrecht, oktober 1986
  4. CATCAM sockets, I.T.O., Utrecht, november 1986
  5. Biomechanica ISNY-socket., Bio-Revalidatiecentrum, Arnhem, april 1987
  6. Bondgraaf modellering en simulatie van bovenbeenprothesen tijdens de zwaaifase., Revalidatie Symposium THT, april 1987
  7. Biomechanica van de NML koker., ISPO Minisymposium november 1988
  8. Biomechanica van de bovenbeenkoker., SOM workshop NML kokers, nov. 1988
  9. College werktuigen in orthopaedie en revalidatie., UT-Twente dec. 1988,
  10. Biomechanica van de prothesiologie., ISPO cursus prothesiologie voor de onderste extremiteiten, maart 1989 Nijmegen
  11. Fabrikage technieken in de orthopedische instrumentmakerij, ThemaCollege Medische Technologie 'Revalidatie' U.T. Delft mei 1989
  12. Fabrikage technieken in de orthopedische instrumentmakerij., KIVI symposium Techniek in de revalidatie november 1989
  13. Biomechanica van de onderbeen prothese, PAOG cursus Amputatie en prothesiologie van de onderste extremiteit, maart 1990
  14. Biomechanica van de prothesiologie., Het Roessingh., maart 1990
  15. De keuze van een prothese kniemechanisme. Otto Bock Seminar 30 okt. 1992
  16. Kniecomponenten in de praktijk, ESB Congres, Geel 2000
  17. Seminar Uitlijning van prothese scharnieren, Otto Bock, november 2000
  18. "Intelligente prothesen", lezing voor Loth Fabenim Seminar 2003
  19. "Over prothesen", lezing voor Paradoks
  20. "Revalidatietechniek", november 2003, revalidatiecentrum De Hoogstraat
Internationale presentaties over revalidatietechniek
  1. ISPO World Congress, Kopenhagen, juli 1986
  2. Research onto design criterions for Above-Knee Prostheses., Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Amsterdam, juni 1987
  3. Research onto design criterions for Above-Knee prostheses., PROTECH congres, R.U. Groningen, oktober 1987
  4. An investigation of design criteria of modular endoskeletal lower limb prostheses., september 1989
  5. Einflub der gewichtsverteilung bei beenprothesen, jaardag Orthopadie Technik, Bad Nauheim, West-Duitsland, mei 1990
  6. New developments in four-bar-linkage knee mechanisms, Orthopadie + Reha-Technik, mei 1991, Berlin, West-Duitsland
  7. A Polycentric Stance Phase Flexion Prosthetic Knee Mechanism ISPO World Congress VII, Chicago, july 1992
  8. A Polycentric Stance Phase Flexion Prosthetic Knee Mechanism REHA World Congress, June 1994, Essen
  9. Principles of multiple linkage mechanisms for prosthetic knee joints, ISPO World Congress VIII, Melbourne, april 1995
  10. A Stance Flexion Kneemechanism with two degrees of freedom, ISPO World Congress VIII, Melbourne, april 1995
  11. Theory and practice of the 3R60 knee joint, Interbor Congress, Oslo July 1996
  12. Recent developments in linkage mechanisms for lower limb prosthetics, Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics, Leuven 1996
  13. ISPO Congres Belgie, Geel 1997
  14. An Overview of Stance Flexion Principles, Orthopadie + Reha Technik 1997, Neurenberg
  15. A general approach for the evaluation of properties of linkage mechanisms, ISPO Congress, Amsterdam 1998
  16. Biomechanical principles of the 3R60 stance flexion knee joint, Interbor Boston 1999,
  17. A new 6-bar kneejoint for through-knee prostheses, 10th World Congress ISPO, Glasgow 2001
  18. Stability and kinematics of prosthetic joints, BuFa Seminar 2001 Dortmund
  19. Properties of prosthetic joints Interbor Budapest 2003
  1. Methodical design of adaptations on musical instruments, University of Technology Twente 1979
  2. Adaptations on musical instruments, Dutch and English brochures 1980
  3. The knowledge retrieval problem in rehabilitation, University of Technology Twente 1982
  4. Design of a measuring instrument for soft body tissues, University of Technology Twente 1983
  5. Manual fabrication of the ISNY socket, 1985
  6. Fiber reinforced plastics and their applications, 1985
  7. Biomechanical principles of the ISNY-socket, 1985
  8. Bondgraph modelling and simulation of the dynamic behaviour of AK prostheses, Prosthetics & Orthotics Int., Vol. 11, p. 65-70 1987
  9. Congress-proceedings PROTECH, October 1987
  10. Congress-proceedings International Society of Biomechanics June 1987
  11. Brochure for lower limb amputees, 1987
  12. Kinematics of 4-bar knee joints, INFORTO, maart 1988
  13. Einfluss der gewichtsverteilung bei beinprothesen, Orthopadie Technik, oktober 1990
  14. Neue Entwicklungen bei Vier-achs-Kniegelenken, Orthopadie Technik, january 1993
  15. The prosthetic knee joint, Mikroniek, Journal of the Dutch Society for Microprecision Technology, 4/1996
  16. Above-Knee prosthetic technology, July 2000, published in Dutch and English
  17. Funktionelle eigenschaften von polycentrische kniegelenken, Medizinisch-Orthopädische technik, 4/2002
  18. Chapter 30, Amputation and prosthetics of the lower extremities, ISDN 90-5189-909-2. 2002


Cursussen revalidatietechniek
  1. Fabrication of the ISNY-socket, 1985 Prothesemakerij Noord-Nederland, Haren.
  2. Post Academic Course "Biomechanical aspects of the above knee prosthesis" University of Groningen, 1985
  3. The biomechanical principles of the ISNY socket, Post Academic Course University of Groningen 1986
  4. The biomechanical principles of Below Knee prosthetics, Post Academic Course University of Groningen 1986
  5. Orthotics, University of Groningen, 1987
  6. The biomechanic principles of Narrow Medial Lateral sockets, SOM workshop NML 1988
  7. ISPO course Orthopaedic Prosthetist Groningen 1988
  8. Biomechanical principles of prosthetics, ISPO course, Hoensbroek 1988 - 1998
  9. Amputation and prosthetics of lower extremities, Academic Hospital Groningen, 1994-2003

"An investigation of design criteria of modular endoskeletal lower limb prostheses",

"Biomechanica van de prothesiologie",
oktober 1995
"Above-Knee Prosthetic Technology", september 2000 "De techniek van de bovenbeenprothese",
juli 2000
Co-auteur of uitgever of vormgever

"Amputatie en prothesiologie van de
onderste extremiteit", 2001
"Muziek in de kinderrevalidatie",
"More than 100 draughts games
against grandmasters", juni 2005
"Dameindspelen, lokzetten en studies",
juli 2005

"Jubileumboek 75 jaar dammen
in Enschede", oktober 2008

"Klappen op het Oer", Doe Dans en Droomliedjes, Carola Werger, 2009

Aquarellen en gedichten,
Rafail Zdoroveac, oktober 2002

Programmeren van Arduino,
juli 2019




Draughts through the years,
Rafail Zdoroveac & Leo Springer, 2021

Some continued fractions and proofs, 2023